Tap Room 19

Tap Room 19 is the on-site Crouch Vale Brewery tap. Modern and convivial. Crouch Vale beers on sale by the pint, half or third (or to take away in minipins and polypins, by arrangement). Ciders. Posh coffees. Builders’ tea. Carefully selected wines and soft drinks. Fairfield’s Farm crisps. Nuts & nibbles. Pork scratchings and pork pies by G C Smith (Chelmsford). Management and unashamedly sarcastic banter courtesy of renowned trade celebrity, Ken Seaman. Free WiFi. Enigmatic, eclectic Tap Room 19!

There is an (unmoderated!) Tap Room 19 Facebook group here and an official Tap Room 19 Facebook page hereAlso, follow us on Twitter @taproom_19


Monday – Closed. Tuesday – 16.00 to 21.00hrs. Wednesday – 16.00 to 21.00hrs. Thursday – 16.00 to 21.00hrs. Friday – 15.30 to 21.30hrs. Saturday – 13.00 to 21.00hrs. Sunday – 13.00 to 17.00hrs.

Where are we (for those using public transport)? – SWF station to Tap Room 19, 5/6 minutes on foot (possibly longer back?)  – easy!

04/03/2016 – All ready to go!

12/02/2016 – Progress!

10/02/2016 – We are pleased to announce the appointment of Ken Seaman who, despite having worked for us a bit before, is going to run Tap Room 19.  It would seem that you cannot keep a good man down! His appointment as overall Director Of Abuse at the brewery is subject to consideration but from the picture, it would appear he is eminently qualified.

21/01/2016 – Almost ready… 🙂

As if …

8/12/2015 – Progress! Studwork for the cold store is in and preparation work for windows is complete.

07/12/2015 – Trevor’s first job is to demolish the partition wall! He’s never so happy as when he’s wallowing in rubble!